Saturday, February 28, 2009


This month I kind of punted again, but I really did go someplace in St. Louis to which I have never been...The Fabulous Fox.  My friends and I went to see Spring Awakening (the best musical about abuse, abortion and suicide you will ever see, hands down!).  I am still in awe over the powerful message.  What struck me most about the experience, however, was the majesty of the Fox (a former movie palace, refurbished).  Have you ever had the feeling you were born in the wrong era?  Or is it just me?  I know I would have enjoyed the days of getting dressed up to see a movie in.  Sigh.  

As you may have noticed, I have lost my steam with this endeavor.  I'm going to make a concerted effort to really commit to what I have started.  So, to kick things off, I'm headed to London!!!  How's that for commitment?

Tuesday, January 27, 2009

Out with the old...

So, I did something completely out of character this month.  I traded in my old Kia Rio for a brand new Kia Sportage.  You may ask, "Why?  There wasn't anything wrong with Rio."  No, no there wasn't.  It was completely unnecessary, but I did it any way.  I did it because I could.  It probably wasn't the most financially sound decision, but I am no worse off than I was before.  I still don't have buyer's remorse.  I think the car suits me better.  Seeing the road from a different perspective has actually made my commute to and from work a bit more fun.  So, probably one of the most spontaneous things I have ever done.  A huge decision I made on my own!!! 

So, here's to starting off the year in a big way!